Are you concerned about your elderly loved one getting dementia? This is a disease that is not 100% preventable. However, there are some things that can help lower the risk of getting dementia. Make sure you share these tips with your elderly loved one and have them commit to doing these things. If your elderly loved one does that, they can greatly lower their risk of getting this disease.
Regular Exercise
One of the tips to reduce the risk of getting dementia is regular exercising. Research shows that exercising regularly can help to maintain vascular health. It can also help to manage weight, reduce the risk of hypertension, and support the improvement of overall brain health. The best exercise for your elderly loved one to prevent dementia is walking. You or a home care provider should encourage them to walk 5 days a week.
Don’t Smoke
If your elderly loved one is already a smoker, encourage them to quit. Smoking tobacco can greatly increase the risk of dementia. The primary reason behind this is that it restricts blood vessels that can lead to heart and brain health issues. If your elderly loved one can’t stop smoking by themselves, you should have them get help from a doctor. There are products that help people to give up this habit. If your elderly loved one has trouble quitting without having someone around to motivate them, hire home care providers to stay at their house with them.
Having a Better Diet
If your elderly loved one needs to lower their risk of dementia, remind them that they need to eat better. The foods that people put into their body have a great impact on their health. So, if your elderly loved one is currently filling their body with processed and chemical-filled foods, they are much more likely to have health issues, such as dementia. However, if they start limiting or getting rid of those foods in their diet immediately and keep it that way, they can lower their risk of dementia. In addition, if your elderly loved one starts adding olive oil, colorful vegetables, and fruits, and legumes to their diet, that can lower their risk of getting this disease even more.
There are many people who have gotten dementia. Sometimes, it is not preventable. However, there are some things that your elderly loved one can do to lower their risk of getting this disease. If your elderly loved one can commit to the above tips, that can give them a much lower chance of getting dementia. Basically, the healthier the lifestyle choices are that your elderly loved one makes, the lower their risk will be of getting this disease.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Bal Harbor, FL please contact the caring staff at Specialized Nursing Services today. (305) 652-2799