Does your elderly loved one have sundowning? This is something that is quite common in people who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. It causes symptoms of these conditions to become much worse in the evening and nighttime hours. If your elderly loved one does have sundowning, it is essential that you know how to help them manage it.
Lighting Things Up
Did you know that research shows light can help to reduce symptoms of sundowning? One of the best types of light to get for your elderly loved one is a fluorescent full-spectrum light. You should put it near where your elderly loved one is sitting or laying down. If you can’t be around to do that, you can always have a home care provider put it near them. It is also recommended to put this light near the person with dementia in the morning. This can help to reduce agitation and confusion throughout the day.
Setting Up Routines
Your elderly loved one could also benefit from having routines. Most family caregivers find that their elderly loved one with dementia has less severe symptoms if they stick to routines and schedules. By doing the same things each day (or most of the days) and at the same time, your elderly loved one will know what to expect. This can help to prevent them from getting so aggravated due to regular changes in their schedule. If needed, you can have senior care providers make sure your elderly loved one sticks to their routines and schedules for when you can’t be there.
Naps and Exercise
Research also shows that naps and exercise can help to reduce symptoms of dementia, especially if someone is experiencing sundowning. The most important thing is to make sure someone is around to ensure your elderly loved one’s safety when they are exercising. Someone should also be around to ensure your elderly loved one isn’t taking too long of a nap. You or a home care provider may be able to do these things. With that being said, if you can get your elderly loved one to take a short nap earlier in the day and exercise in the middle of the day, it can help to tire out their body, so they can be rested in the evening and sleep better at night.
These are some of the best tips for managing sundowning in your elderly loved one. Now that you have these tips, you can start implementing them. The sooner you do this and get your elderly loved one used to them, the better it will be for your elderly loved one in reducing symptoms of sundowning.
If you or an aging loved-one is considering home care in Fort Lauderdale, FL please contact the caring staff at Specialized Nursing Services today. (305) 652-2799