Your mom lives alone, and you’re in another state. While you’re able to call her a few times a week, you only are able to see her on major holidays. You worry a lot about her being alone, especially after her health changes.
Your mom’s doctor diagnosed her with high blood pressure. All of this happened after she had a dizzy spell and passed out. You don’t want her alone, but she insists on staying in her home and living her life the way she has been. Have you talked to her about virtual caregiving services?
How Virtual Caregiving Services Work
Start by talking to your mom. She’s alone, but how often would she like to have someone to talk to? If she often forgets to take her prescription pills, daily check-ins might be ideal for her needs. If she’s fine with medications but would feel better if she knew someone was going to check on her twice a week, twice-weekly check-ins are perfect.
If your mom does forget to take her medications, during these daily calls she’ll get the reminder she needs to take them. The aging care aide who calls her will watch her take them.
When you arrange virtual caregiving, you talk to the advisor about how often your mom’s aging assistant should call her. If she needs help in between, she can call and ask. The agency will take the name and contact information of family members and friends who can go help your mom if she needs someone to stop by.
Through the use of technology, there are also protocols in place to check on your mom’s movements. If she falls and can’t reach an emergency call button or phone, the sensors detect the fall and alert her remote care coordinator. That professional figures out if your mom needs emergency care or not or if someone local should stop by and visit her.
Sensors for the doors are available. If a door opens, a notification goes out. This is incredibly helpful if your mom goes out in the middle of the night and shouldn’t or you want to know about your mom’s comings and goings. If she went outside and hasn’t returned after an hour, these sensors are helpful in having her tracked down.
You’ll also have peace of mind over your mom’s daily meals. If you worry about her eating meals each day, you’ll know when she’s using the microwave or refrigerator. You have peace of mind that she’s had breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Make Arrangements for Virtual Care
Don’t let your mom risk her health and safety, especially if no one lives close enough to help her. Call an expert in virtual caregiving services and arrange the services she needs. With virtual caregiving services, she’s never alone or isolated. Call today to get set up.